More prepared

I had the best day with Kara yesterday. Of course, that's probably because we didn't come home until dinner time. We went to the library, the mall with friends for lunch and play and shopping, then a friends house. Then we came home for dinner with my family and the weekly call from Mamaw. (Thanks, Vicky - it was great and she came in so happy and excited after the call.) :-)

I knew today was going to be a snow day because of the ice that fell overnight. That's why we were gone all day yesterday and that's why we went to the library. We cleared them out of books about snakes and butterflies (an interesting combination, but they're Kara's loves these days). We also got a documentary about animals and three cartoon movies. We are ready for a day in the house. Unfortunately we can't go out and play in the ice, but fortunately it wasn't too deep so I don't have to pick at the ice to shovel it. I can just sprinkle sand and salt.

I'm doing really well with my weight loss, but February means snow days which means no trips to the gym. I have to figure out a way to exercise at home, or maybe go this evening... I have to keep up the momentum or I'll fizzle out quickly.


Elisabeth said…
Hannah loves animal books too. Every week at school she picks a different animal book. This week it was bears.
Vicky said…
Maybe our girls will be famous Vets when they grow up! :D
jessicaday said…
Kara always says she wants to be a vet like her aunt Liz. :-)