Friends vs Gym

Now that I'm working out at the gym 5 days a week, I'm finding it hard to fit visits with my friends in with my life again. I've been at the gym for almost a month now, so I've just been skipping visits with my friends - not cool. Then I went to play dates on Thursday and again on Monday. Those days I didn't make it to the gym. There has to be a better way to do this. I want to be able to find a good balance. I just could NOT figure it out - try as I may. It started to get a bit stressful and I started to feel like I was just going to have to sacrifice my friends for the gym - again, not cool.

At the gym yesterday I asked the nice lady behind the desk a quick question about childcare and the next thing I knew she was asking me all about my schedule and helping me figure out how to balance my time better with my friends. Wow! I feel certain that God sent me that nice lady (who had nothing to do because there wasn't a soul there) to help me work out this stress I've been feeling. I feel much better now that I have a plan. (You know me!) :-)

God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.


Kattrina said…
Ugg, I struggle with this too. I'm already at work from 6am-6:30pm, then to add the gym in there too, plus the microbiology class I have twice a week, it's almost impossible to fit it all in my schedule. However, I do try to see at least one friend at least once a week and make time to eat with my sister. It's really tough though - definitely not enough hours in the day!