The Princess and the Frog

Today I took Kara to her first movie. We saw "The Princess and the Frog". It wasn't exactly what I thought it would be, but it was still very good. I think this was Disney's first black princess, which was very cool, and the characters were from New Orleans, which is always interesting to me (beautiful colors, love the music, Kara was dancing in the aisles). There were tons of funny and cute parts, which Disney always delivers, and my favorite part was the moral of the story: All your dreams can come true if you believe hard enough, AND work hard enough. I LOVE it!!!!

I was raised to be a hard worker and a big dreamer and I have seen in my life so far that hard work ALWAYS pays off. I worked hard in high school and got the internship which paid for my college. I worked hard in college and left with a degree and several years experience (through said internship). I worked hard in my job (which changed a bit after I got my degree) and earned lots and lots of money which I used to pay off cars, loans, buy furniture, etc, which set me up to have Z-E-R-O debt besides the house, so I could be a stay-at-home mom. Yes, yes, it was hard seeing people party in high school and college, while I stayed home hitting the books and staying away from drugs and alcohol (well, that part wasn't so hard). And it was hard seeing people getting "the full college experience" while living at school, and I lived at home with my parents. But here I am 29 years old and I quit work 4 years ago and haven't looked back. In fact, when Kara goes to school next year, I don't think I'm going back to work, I think I'm going to join a gym!

Anyway, I'm so happy to see that a cartoon meant for children, especially girls, encourages hard work, discipline, and big dreams. Michael and I both believe in working hard and having big dreams and we have accomplished just about all of them so far!!


Vicky said…
Thank God for blessing your hard work!
jessicaday said…
Amen to that! I COMPLETELY believe in the Lord providing and always giving us what we need, but I also believe He calls us to work hard and be smart with His money. Michael and I have been blessed financially our whole marriage and we are both so grateful and always give back to the Lord and His people.
Doug said…

Mom and I are both happy that you and Michael have such a good work ethic. Not only has it served you both well in the past and the present, but we are excited that it will be passed on to Kara.