Three year olds are still babies

I think Kara is having yet another growth spurt. They really affect her and have since she was born. Her eating and sleeping schedules get way out of wack. She has been eating a ton and not sleeping much, until a day or two ago when she has been sleeping A LOT! After not sleeping very well last night, she had a short nap and was whiny by early evening. She kept saying how she didn't feel well and she wanted to be close to me. Sometimes I forget that this tall, smart, mature girl is still only three years old and needs to be babied every once in a while. She needs to be carried a bit, smothered with hugs and kisses, and treated like an infant. Today she felt better when I sang to her, so I was happy to do it. After about 8 songs, we went to her room and read several stories before I sang some more. I have a voice that only she would appreciate, and I could sing to her forever. I remember singing for 40 minutes straight one colicy day back in '06 when she was an infant. Anyway, Daddy is fun and always makes up fun games, Grandma is a treat and something special, but Mommy knows how to take care of her baby when she isn't feeling well and I'm SO HAPPY TO BE MOMMY!


Elisabeth said…
If she has too many more growth spurts you'll have to give me all her old clothes!=) Ryan will not let me rock him and sing to him. He always says he's not a baby! But when he is sick, he only wants mommy. Being mommy is the best thing in the world!
jessicaday said…
Tell me about it! She grew a whole inch in the last three months. She's 41 inches now. Anyway, this turned out to be a cold and she is pretty miserable. She loves to be babied and rocked and sang to - and I'm happy to do it! :-)
Vicky said…
Yes, nothing takes the place of mommy when it comes to being sick!