Tis the season.....for cookies!

I decided to help make Christmas presents stretch this year (and to put a personal twist on things like gift cards) I would make cookies and give them away. Also, I went to a LOVELY cookie exchange party, so I needed to make even more. Since I love to bake, I decided to make the more difficult ones. They turned out so cute! They are actually peanut butter cut-out cookies with chocolate decorations. Yum!


Elisabeth said…
they look really good! You did a good job but I wouldn't expect anything less from you!!
jessicaday said…
Thanks, Liz. I LOVE to bake! Besides organizing, it's my happy place. I am bringing cookies and cupcakes again this year like I did last year, so get the fat pants ready! :-)
Vicky said…
Hey! They look yummy! Check out my e-mail to ya!