
Last year when it was time to go to Michael's family's house for Christmas, I had pink eye AND tonsilitis. I was SO sick and so miserable. The worst part is both my niece and nephew went home with pink eye. I felt horrible. So, here we are a year later and my throat hurts today. Instead of getting better as the day goes on, it felt worse. I looked at my throat three hours ago and saw a little tonsilitis blister. Argh! Just looked a few minutes ago - there's a second one already. What are the odds?? ALSO, I have this weird patch of eczema on my eyelid - yuck! It isn't pink eye, but it's still gross looking. So, I think I may send Michael and Kara out without me this year. Not only do I not want to get my poor niece or nephew sick (tonsilitis is super contagious), but my sister in law is pregnant - don't want to give her any germs!

I'm SO disappointed. Kara and I have been praying really hard - God can still turn this around. But, it's not looking good......


Doug said…
I hope you get to feeling better real soon...I know how much you have been looking forward to this trip!
jessicaday said…
Feeling much better! Doc says I'm cleared to go - woo hoo!