Christmas with the Days

We just got back from celebrating Christmas with the Day family. We had such a great time. We always have fun, but it seems like this may have been the best visit ever. We got to see Michael's brother, who we haven't seen in maybe a year and a half, and all 4 cousins got along very well (which was a first!). The littlest ones grew out of their fighting/whining phases and played so well together. Kara and Hannah were two peas in a pod. Neither of them have sisters, and I think they think of each other that way. They couldn't stop hugging each other and they were always giggling and whispering little girl secrets to each other. I love it!

After a long day in the car yesterday, we were all ready for our own beds. (Especially me who does have a cold - yuck!) We slept 11 hours last night and are so glad it snowed while we were sleeping - now we don't feel so bad staying in our pjs and watching cartoons all day. This weekend will be the last few days of operation cheat-on-diet-because-it's-Christmas-time. Monday it will be back to the old diet and gear up the exercising. It's been a fun break, but I'm kind of looking forward to it - my jeans don't fit quite as well as they did! ;-)


Elisabeth said…
I think I'm getting a cold now too! My nose has been tingly and running all day. Time to start the zicam! But the visit was worth a little cold. =)
Vicky said…
No cold symptoms for us.....yet! :) I LOVE your name for your diet break! Hope you are feeling better!