Christmas over the past few years

Here are some cute pictures of Kara over the last few Christmases. Enjoy!


Elisabeth said…
she is such a cutie!
Kattrina said…
So adorable Jessica. I hope you have a great Christmas. Tell your family Merry Christmas from me - I think my parents still get a card from your parents. Isn't that funny! Here's to a fabulous 2010 and our impending 30 year birthdays!!!
jessicaday said…
Thanks, Kattrina. Yes, my parents and your parents still exchange Christmas cards - I love it! I saw their picture just this morning. Your niece is precious.
Happy 2010 - I know you'll have a great year! :-)
Vicky said…
Yes, I have to agree that Kara is certainly a cutie! She DOES have gorgeous grandparents (on BOTH sides) and we won't forget to mention that the parents are not too shabby themselves! :) Can't wait to see you all soon! Wish your parents a wonderful Christmas for us!