That Week Sped By

Whew!  That week off went by super quickly.  That's always the way, though, isn't it?  Tomorrow is the day we start back and I'll tell you how it goes.  I'm hoping Kara is well rested and super focused.

Last week we cleaned the house a bunch, got caught up on rest, and I watched a bunch of you tube videos of homeschoolers, home school curriculum, and bloopers from The Office.  lol.  It was great.  I also watched the Alabama game with my dad.  Roll tide!

Mom got us new hats - I love them!

I went to my first therapy appointment last week and totally fell in love with the lady.  She let me go way over since it was my first week and I was there an hour and 45 minutes.  I feel so much better already.  It's like a feeling of relief.  I get to go again Thursday.  Woo hoo!

My new meds are so great that I am successfully weaning off my old meds and feeling really well still.  Life is super structured right now, so I'm not really pushing it, but after this summer, I need this.

Kara sure feels much better too.  I think that week off helped.  Each day she stayed up later and later and slept in more and more.  By Wednesday she was up until 5:30am and I had to wake her up at 2:00pm.  We worked on backing up her schedule after that!

This week we also did a lot of this:

These kitties are the absolute sweetest ever.

Back to school tomorrow!  Rested, refreshed, and ready to go!  I feel like sharpening some pencils.  :-)
