Back To School

I tweaked my blog again.  I missed being able to click on the pictures in a post and scroll through them.  I also missed looking things up by date.  You can do both of those things with this new set up. (To look things up by date, click on the three horizontal lines in the top left of the blog's homepage, then Archive.)

Okay, math went really well today.  After our week-long break, I was wondering if Kara would be a summer-vacation zombie who forgot what Algebra was.  I'm so glad that wasn't the case!  She seemed refreshed, yet remembered she doesn't enjoy math.  lol.

Even though the heat index is somewhere in the 90s, Kara talked me into doing school on the porch with the kitties.  We turned on the fans and I brought out an ice pack for my neck/back.  Of course, it doesn't take too much convincing.  These kitties are so sweet!

We did a topic that was pretty much review from last year (good old Algebra 2 - later this week will be HARD - it runs hot and cold).  She did extremely well and got most of them right.  Not all of them right.  Eh, it's part of the process to not get all of them right.

We only did math so far.  We are on a new schedule this week.  We are doing school Tuesday - Saturday so I can volunteer at church on Mondays.  Also, our daily schedule looks like this:
10am - Kara wakes up
11am - Math
12ish - done with Math
10pm - Spanish, Astronomy, History, Bible, Writing - independently.
1am - Kara goes to sleep

Kara is a night owl and does her best work late.  Let's try it for a while and see how it goes!  (*I do not believe doing school at night while she is a pre-teen and teenager will make her unable to get up early for work as an adult.*)

Right now (1pm) she is skyping and playing Minecraft with a friend.  I'm not quite sure what to do with my spare time, so I am going to do some chores and look at my to-do-whenever-I-have-time list that I have had in the back of my mind all summer.  Maybe even do something just for me.  :-)

Happy Tuesday!
