Update on the Thyroid

More blood test results are in and it's looking like my thyroid isn't cancerous and I don't have an auto immune disease.  It looks like my thyroid has a Jessica-attitude and takes on more work than is her fair share and is just work, work, working.  Hopefully they will drain the nodules when they biopsy them so I can feel some relief.

I met with a doctor today who helped me adjust my anxiety medicine in the mean time to help the drastic mood swings with anxiety and depression.  I start on that new medicine tonight.  I am praying this is marvelous!  I am desperate for peace in my brain!

Next week I take a radioactive pill and they scan my thyroid - they call it "uptake."  I put it in my calendar as "pill and scan" - it's easier to remember.  :-)  Then the 30th they biopsy the nodules.

The ultrasound results showed both sides of my thyroid are enlarged to 6.4 cm on the right and 6.9 cm on the left.  Google.com says thyroids are supposed to be 4-6 cm on each side.

My largest nodule on the left side is 2.4 x 1.6 x 1.8 cm.  My largest nodule on the right side is 2.3 x 1.7 x 2.4 cm.  I wonder how many I have??

So far I have all good news.  I hope to tell you soon my new anxiety medicine is helping.
