Prayer Request

A while back I noticed my throat had a lump on it.  I ignored it for a while because I hoped it would go away.  It turns out it is my thyroid.  It is so big that I am uncomfortable - like I'm wearing a too-tight turtleneck.  It's especially uncomfortable to sleep.  It's so big that you can see it from across the room!

I finally went to the doctor and she wanted me to get blood work that day and schedule an ultrasound.  My blood test results came back the next day - my thyroid is over-active.  That must be why I'm so skinny!  Ha!

An overactive thyroid can keep you skinny (nope), keep you feeling hot (heck yes), can keep your heart rate a bit fast (this is me too), and make your anxiety worse (what a bad week I've had!), mood swings (anxiety then depression - no fun), and difficulty sleeping (I've had a bit of this too).  There are other things too, but those are the biggies for me.

My ultrasound was Friday and they called me this morning with the news that my thyroid is enlarged (duh) and I have nodules on both sides.  I could see the black dots on the ultrasound screen, so I was pretty sure they would say that.  During the phone call this morning they said they will call me back because they want me to have the nodules biopsied.

I'm working on not freaking out.  Both parents and my sister have benign nodules, so I assume mine will be too.  I am definitely staying off google right now though!  lol.

Please pray for my anxiety (which has been really bad), depression (which is new), and for my nodules.

Praise God for modern medicine.
