Kara at 11 years old

I'm finding myself in an awkward place.  Kara is growing up, and I don't feel free to just blast on facebook (or my blog) things I'm proud of or nervous about because I'm not sure if anything would embarrass her.  So, my posts are less frequent and more generic.

This is what I can say about Kara.
She loves God and knows Him and understands as much as an 11 year old can.  She is confident and secure in her walk with the Lord.
She is happy with whatever she has - never wishing she had something else or was somewhere else.
She loves hide and seek and Spongebob and other little kid things, but also likes books and movies for teens.
She loves her super close friends fiercely and thinks of them often, always wanting to surprise them with presents or other nice gestures.
She is introverted and has always enjoyed quiet time.
She loves reading and has a very long attention span.
She is very structured and needs very little help from me on this front.  Not much more than I would help any adult who is looking to balance their life.
She is funnier when she isn't trying to be - so funny she makes Michael and I laugh until we cry.
She is incredibly intelligent and has a thirst for knowledge that excites me.
She is old enough to have her own thoughts about God and life and is smart enough to say things that change the way I think and make me better.
She is my friend.  We have inside jokes and I am feeling the days she will be living with us slipping away, so they are that much more precious.
She is more creative than I have ever been - whether she is writing her own books, drawing, creating on Minecraft, taking pictures, painting, making pottery, and much more.
She is very obedient.  Sometimes to a fault.  Based on her love of structure, she craves rules and doesn't understand why other people don't also crave the rules and live by them strictly.
She in incredibly beautiful.  This is the age where she is going through an awkward phase, but you'd never know - her skin is amazing, her eyes are big and brown, her teeth are white and straight, she is tall and slender.  She is exquisite.
She has a heart for serving.  She is in her element when she is learning how to help, then taking it and running with it.
Contrast to that, she is a born leader.  She craves keeping things fair and loves to make up games for kids younger than her and make sure everyone gets a turn.  The kids who are used to never getting a turn love her.  The teacher she helps on Sunday mornings says she can command and control a class of kids so naturally, it's remarkable.
Science is her favorite subject.
She loves all animals, especially cats.
She is independent and strong and confident.
She loves rock music.
She loves watching behind the scenes to all movies, especially if they explain how a story went from book to movie or if they explain how they did the special effects.

She hates cooking, history, anatomy, fancy clothes, cleaning, disorder, vegetables, waking up early and shopping.

At this point in her life, I have no idea what she will be when she grows up.  Here are just some of the things I think her personality is perfect for:
homeschool mom
children's director at a church or daycare
animal trainer
owner of animal training facility
