Homeschool Fun with Merideth

A dear, sweet friend who is like family has been called to homeschool.  She lives 3 hours away, so we have been back and forth a few times getting her set up.  We have just gotten started - there is so much more to do.  This weekend she came and we worked on curriculum.

First I needed boxes for all the books.  Here
is Shadow in a box, like kitties love.  I'm
pretty sure it's him because he gives a good
evil eye.  :-)

Here is what I had to give her:

And here is what sweet Jessica had for her to borrow:

She came for the weekend and we hit the books!

We have everything all planned out for both of her school aged kids for this year!  So exciting!  Next, we will work on fun things for her toddler to do while they do school.  This isn't something I have ever had to deal with, so I will be searching Pinterest.

Fun, fun!

(Psst.  Check out my CVS trip today.)


MomOf3Maggards said…
This was such a great weekend! I see many many more in my future! I love you!