
Kara had the best birthday yesterday.  She woke up to cinnamon rolls going into the oven, which is her favorite breakfast.  Well, the icing is.  :-)  We did math after that, reviewed Psalm 23, then got ready for our day!  We went with Jessica, Emma, and Macie to Jessica's sister's house to swim.  She has an awesome, sparkling clean pool that we had a blast in all day.  I made frozen pizzas and brought cupcakes and Jessica's husband Dave sang happy birthday to her over the phone.  It was a blast!  When it was time to leave the pool, we didn't want the party to end, so we all went back to our house for a while.  We had McDonalds for dinner (also Kara's favorite), then she read while I tutored over Skype.  It was such a good day!

I tried to stay away from writing a blog about Kara, but I just can't help myself.

Kara is 11 now.  She is kind and thoughtful.  She is smart and loves to learn.  She is funny, sarcastic, and a little sassy.  She is my little cutie, turning into an amazing beauty.  She is learning to deal with these new sweeping hormones that overwhelm her with frustration.  She is compassionate and sensitive.  She is quick to apologize when she is wrong.  She loves her friends and family with all her heart.  She is a Christian who loves science because God created science.  She is healthy, tall, and still growing like a weed.  She needs me less and less as she gets older for things like grooming, but needs me more and more for the big questions and for friendship.  I know she watches me closely, even when it doesn't look like she does.  She is mommy's girl AND daddy's girl.  She is precious to all 4 of her grandparents.  She is strangely identical to her uncle Tony (uncle by marriage).  She loves fiercely, but isn't affectionate.  She is creative and a hard worker.  She is an introvert and is obedient.  She is a tomboy who loves playing in the woods and isn't afraid to skin her knees.  She is a devoted helper and a wonderful mama to her two kitties.
Kara is a special child.
And I cherish the years I still get to have her here at home.


Vicky said…
LOVE the post!
Unknown said…
Of course you have to blog about her on her birthday!!!! Love it!