
Since I only have one kid, I forget to make her do stuff.  When you have more than one, the baby comes along and you make the older kid carry her own stuff, help you with the chores, get her own things, etc.  I guess that's why the baby of the family tends to be "babied" - no one else came along to make them step up.  (You know what I mean.  It's up to the parents to make sure the baby does more, while it happens more naturally with the older ones.)  With only one, she is the oldest and the youngest.  I forget that she's perfectly capable to act her age.  I tend to baby her.  For example, I just never stopped putting her laundry away - it's something I've always done.  So, I have to make an effort to remember to ask her to do chores.

So, here are the things she can do (some she does regularly, some she does whenever I remember to ask her to do them).
  * vacuum
  * dust
  * clean toilets
  * clean bathroom sinks
  * clean bathtubs
  * sweep the steps
  * sweep the garage (with me)
  * pull weeds (with me)
  * wash dishes
  * clean the gerbils' cage
  * put laundry from washer into dryer
  * make a lot of her own food (she's a sandwich kind of kid)
  * put her laundry away (I haven't asked her to do this yet, but it's time to start)
  * make her own bed
  * clean her own room (She can clean as she goes - when it's a disaster, it's over her head and I have to help.  Usually that's when I get rid of a bunch of junk.)
  * help me change sheets
  * help me fold laundry (towels, socks, washcloths, undies, etc.)
  * help me wash the car (she is in charge of the hose, I'm in charge of the soap)
  * I need to have her start mopping - we have a steam mop that does all the work - you just pull it back and forth on the floor

Like I said, she doesn't do all of these things regularly - she's not a slave.  And, she's only 8.  But, I bring them all in a bit at a time so she not only learns how to do them, but so she pitches in as a part of this family.  (As a homeschooler, she has a lot more free time than other kids, so I think she should do more than usual.)  I am trying hard to make sure she knows what hard work feels like, and it makes her feel good about herself to see what she can do.

What kind of chores did you do when you were 8?


Unknown said…
I didn't do anything at 8. I spent a lot of that year in and out of the hospital from a car accident that my mom and I had. I had a broken leg and was in traction in the hospital for six weeks. Then in a body cast for...I forget how long....a month or so maybe? That was at home. Then back to the hospital for two more weeks of therapy to learn how to walk again. THEN on crutches at home for I don't remember how long! So I was off the hook with chores! LOL
jeday0323 said…
Aw, that's terrible! I would rather do chores! :-(
Elisabeth said…
I don't remember specifically what I was doing at 8 but our main jobs were wash dishes, dry/put away dishes, set table and clear table (6 people eating dinner around the table every night is a lit of work!). Since there were 4 of us we each got one of these jobs for a week at a time and it rotated. Also we had to clean our room every Saturday before we could do anything.