Deep Creek Lake - Day 7

Today was the last full day of our vacation, but we weren't feeling it.  We were still in vacation mode and ready for fun.  We made the most of the beautiful weather and rented a boat and headed out on the water.  We had four hours on an inner tube (which was really more like a bench).

Kara thought it looked awesome and wanted to head out right away.  But, she wanted Mommy to go with her first.  I kept telling her, don't freak out or be afraid if we fall off - it's part of the fun and we have life jackets on and she's a great swimmer. Just swim towards me and Daddy (who's driving the boat) will come get us.  She said, "I know, I know, I'm not afraid."

And away we went!

She was loving it! 

She's telling me, "this is AWESOMER than jet skiing!" 

 Hold on tight, it's going to get crazy

Wow!  That bump was huge!  My sunglasses are gone and we're soaked.  Ouch, and I have a little whiplash.  Not to mention my bottom and elbow are still sore. 

But we're good!!! 

Next, my parents wanted a turn.  My mom had her bun on the top of her head and as they took the bumps, she looked like Pebbles Flintsone.  :-)

They had fun, but ended up with a fairly short ride.  Knowing them, they had more fun watching Kara have fun, than actually having their own turn.  It's a grandparent thing.  :-)

Next Kara wanted to go with "Tina."  Fyi:  my sister had NEVER had a nickname that was her name shortened.  Kara is the only one allowed to call her this because she was the only one who said it in a super cute way when she was a toddler because "Aunt Christina" was too long.

Kara is READY.  She loves this.

Kara decided to give everyone instructions on what to do.  Because "hold on" isn't enough and my little girl just loves to boss others around. 


They had a good, long turn and Kara was having so much fun.

Then we all were getting hungry, so we parked our boat off to the side of the lake and enjoyed the food we brought.  (It was a great idea to do the boat the last day because we needed to get rid of the food we bought that week anyway.  We packed up all chips and crackers and fruit and cheese and made that our meal on the boat.)

While we were parked, I'm just feeling all kind of nostalgic - my grandfather had a boat for some time while I was younger and we loved going out of the lake.

Then I decided it was time to jump off the boat and swim a while.  The water was 75 degrees, which was too cold for Tony (it really wasn't a hot day), but I thought it felt awesome and we even got Kara and my mom and sister to come in and swim too.

This little ducky was hoping we'd drop some of our crackers.  We didn't have enough to spare, but we offered watermelon.  To which she said, "no thank you," and swam away. 

This was so much fun for me.  I think I like (clean) lake water even more than pool water and I definitely like it better than ocean water.  Not to mention, anything living in this lake has no desire to hurt me.  (Think:  sharks, jellyfish, riptides, etc.  Why do we even swim in the ocean?!)  I think Michael needs to take me out on his boat so I can swim on lakes more often.  This was so, so much fun!  Then I decided I needed to jump and flip off the boat.

Boy, this was such a fun day.

Then Kara was begging to get back on the tube again, so we pulled out onto open water and Kara chose Grandma this time.

Tony tried to get out there on a wakeboard, but the water was too cold for him and his legs cramped up.

We all had a great time.  The lake isn't that big and there was a lot of boat traffic (it was the Friday before Labor Day weekend), so Michael had to be careful with how he drove the boat.

4 hours later, we were gassing up and returning the boat.  That was the best money spent all week!!

Even though we applied an incredible amount of sunscreen every hour AND every time we got wet, we got sunburned.  Well, my sister and I did - Michael, Tony, and Kara have enough italian and native american in them that they were fine.  Oops!  I guess the lake water reflected more sun than my mom's pool usually does at home.  :-)

Ah, what a great, great day.  We went straight to Archie's Bar-be-que in our wet swimsuits and had a nice, casual dinner.  Then we got back to the house and my parents packed up and left.  They like to beat the traffic and get home to their own beds.  While they were packing up, we all decided to get a head start on packing too.  That way when we left the next morning, there wouldn't be much left to do.

After they were gone and the majority of our packing was done, we went to the backyard for one more fire.  Boy do I love those fires.  Hearing the toads and crickets chirp is something I could listen to every day of my life.  At home all I hear are cars, sirens, gun shots, airplanes, and helicopters.  I LOVE nature and do not enjoy living so far away from it.  We watched the sunset for the last time.  I loved watching through the trees as the deer and turkey ran around, wild.  I loved seeing stars.  At home I can only see about 3 stars.  I loved sitting by the fire and talking and laughing and poking the fire with a stick.  And I loved having Michael sitting next to me through it all.

Tomorrow we'd have to leave, but for now, we have one last night in our vacation house.


Unknown said…
Sounds awesome and those are fantastic tubing pics!
jeday0323 said…
I wish I could take credit for those photos, but all of them were taken by Tony on his camera. See why he's my teacher? He's so good!