It takes all kinds...

May 2013

My big west coast vacation is coming up!  I will keep the date vague on here in case bad guys want to come steal stuff from my house.  But, Michael will be home with our guns, so I guess I dare you to try, bad guys!

It needs to be said, I am not normal.  But, that ship sailed long ago and we've known this for a long time.  The older I get, the more I realize my quirks make me who I am and I appreciate my uniqueness.

I am a planner.  I feel like we know this already too.  lol!  I really enjoy it and my family (whether it's Michael and Kara, or my mom and sister) really likes this about me.  You see, they list things they want to see on vacation, and I make the entire thing happen, start to finish.  They don't like details, but I do.  They want to know "what are we doing today?  where are we staying today?"  I want to be in on the decision.  They want to just come along for the ride and not worry about anything.  And I love being in charge.  They even let me drive!  :-)  I love picking out flights (best airlines, best time of day, best price, least stops, etc.).  I love booking hotels, seeing what I can get free, racking up points and getting the royal treatment.  I love researching maps, booking rental cars, all the way down to picking music for the trip!  I even love combing through pinterest for fun and original ideas for travel games and toys for Kara.  This is the one that's new to this trip:

After all of that research and planning, (and don't forget to plan for flexibility - you never know when a rainstorm, tummy ache, or the need to pull over and take loads of photos will throw you off schedule), makes me so happy.  I've even thought of becoming a travel agent.  Except I love to explore and go on adventures so much that I don't think I'd want to plan it without doing it.  :-)

The trip is close enough (for me, but remember, I'm not normal) to make the list of things to pack.  And yes, well over a week before we leave, my suitcase is half full, my shirts have been picked out and bagged with the jewelry to go with it.  I will not be labeling the bags by date.  Even I need SOME flexibility.  ;-)

Happily planning,
Not-so-normal girl  :-)


Elisabeth said…
Have a great trip! I can't wait to read all about it!