Slumber Snow

First of all, I have the sweetest people reading my blog.  Let me just say that you guys are the best.  I was afraid of saying too much about this trip because I didn't want to be boastful.  We have been talking about/planning for this trip for years and years and it's a big deal.  I am just so excited and wanted to share it with someone, and I appreciate everyone being sweet and happy for us.  I will definitely have more to share about this soon!

Yesterday was a snow day.  I shared these pictures on facebook, but I'm really happy with them, so I'm posting them here too, plus a few more.  :-)  (We had Kara's little friend Emily over for a slumber party already, so the snow day was perfect timing for us.)

Kara just can't stand for the snow to fall in her eyes, so her squinting looks like the snow was sour.  lol!

 Squinting from the snow.  :-)  We got about 7 inches.

 This is my new favorite picture of Kara.  <3  Pretty girl with grown up teeth coming in nicely.  We may not have to pay for braces!

 Best buds.

 I LOVE this picture.  I love seeing Emily in the background and I love the expression on Kara's face - I can hear her laughing!

Then they had cocoa afterwards to warm up.  I love seeing Emily look at me with a sweet smile, I love how Kara is in front, even with her snow soaked hair.

All in all, it was a great time.  Unfortunately, we had Emily less than 24 hours, but it was a great time.  I always wanted my house to be sleepover central, so I'm very happy to host.  Eventually the girls will end up in the basement - there's a kitchen down there (minus the stove - they wouldn't do anything dangerous), a full bedroom, full bathroom, full living room, with cable.  AND, two floors away from us so they can giggle as late as they want while I sleep peacefully/quietly upstairs.  (Oh, and when they're teenagers, I'll be glad there's NO walkout.  No boys in, no girls out.  Not that I would ever have done that when I was a teen.  *ahem*)


Unknown said…
I snuck out ONE time and got caught! Never did it again! LOL