It's been a great year, so far

So far, 2014 has been pretty fantastic.  I decided to not do resolutions anymore because I just felt like I set myself up for failure when I resolved to lose 50 pounds in 1 year.  ;-)  I no longer care about my weight, but I think about how healthy the food is that I put in my body.  I am constantly working to make healthier choices, but sometimes I just really want poptarts, so I eat them.  I got to a point where resolutions weren't a goal of how to improve, but looking over all that I do wrong and where I don't measure up.  Yeah, not good.  My personality is constantly trying to improve myself daily (recovering perfectionist, remember?), so I resolve to love myself for who I am more!  (Side note:  in therapy when asking how to make sure I don't turn Kara into a perfectionist, I was told no matter what I do with her, how I treat myself is what she'll remember most.  Yikes!  I need to be nicer to me.  For Kara's sake.  It's all about grace, man.)

While I love Christmas, I love celebrating Jesus' birth, I love all the time with family and friends, I love the decorations and the music and the food and the goodies, can I just say that I'm glad it's over?  The spiritual side of everything is still lingering on the gift of Jesus' birth and it's beautiful, but my house is back to normal, my schedule is back to normal, and I'm relieved it all went well with no presents this year!

With life back on a schedule, we are doing school daily, we're gone to some extracurricular event for Kara 3 days a week, and I'm volunteering at church regularly.  I just LOVE what I do at church.  You know I count the tithe every Monday - did I tell you I stay and do more now?  Every week I reconcile everything, run several reports, and it all takes me about an extra hour or hour and a half.  Some weeks I get extra tasks.  With this being the new year, the new budget approved, I am doing loads with that.  Can I just say, I love every second of it?  Budgets, excel, reports, and everything that goes with that just makes me so happy.  I really feel this gift (as well as my college education as a Software Engineer) was given to me to be used at church - at this point in my life.  (There was a time that I was supposed to use it in the working world to help get my family to a comfortable financial place.)  This Monday I was there until about 5:00 and I had a blast!  I had to tear myself away!  Anyway, all of that to say, I'm happy to be back on a regular schedule again.

Well, I could swear this post had a point, but I just can't find it.  I hope your 2014 is going just as splendidly as mine.  :-)
