
It's no secret that I am a type A, list kind of girl.  I like making a list, crossing things off, and getting things done.  It makes me feel good and it's how I remember things.

Now, skip to my therapy sessions.  I'm working on my anxiety.  I'm trying to be less of a planner, live life more day-to-day, and not be ruled by lists.  I didn't want things on my lists to have priority over more important things.  I let my house get a little dirtier, lived day-to-day, and saw that life goes on just fine.

Except that it didn't.

I spent the whole time feeling....overwhelmed.  That's the word I kept using.  It was a panicky, disorganized, constantly feeling behind kind of deal.  I had a lot going on, like usual, and I didn't do those things efficiently or actually very well at all.  (Thank you cards fell through the cracks, housework hardly ever got done, doctor's appointments didn't get made, and I wasn't as good a friend, mom, wife, etc.)  I couldn't handle them and was very anxious about every day.  I felt like I needed a vacation - to get away.  Which turned into wanting to run away.

So, today I am 'back on the lists.'  I'm trying to get back to being myself, without the anxiety.  Lists are definitely what I need, but I won't let them rule me.

Today I am checking things off, getting everything done, and feeling AWESOME.  I feel like myself, my mind is clear, and I feel very productive.

Now, to keep it helpful, productive, healthy.

Aren't you glad you don't have the anxiety problems I do?  My brain is broken, I tell you.  As you can see, therapy is helping me re-train my brain.  I'm getting there....
