Horse Riding Lessons

Mix horse riding lessons and a new camera and what do you get?  LOADS of pictures.  :-)  Enjoy the show.

Happy to be back on the farm

 Ready to get back on a horse again

 Looking with excitement up at the horse she's about to climb onto

 Yes!  Back on and loving it.

 I don't know what it was, but over that summer break she had a growth spurt or something and suddenly all her muscles know what they're doing and she did a phenomenal job today.  Best lesson yet, by far.

 Looking good on Hewie

 I love seeing those little hands, which look just like her daddy's hands, controlling a horse

 Then I looked over and saw the other horses enjoying lunch.  My goodness, they are beautiful!

 Look at their manes in the sunshine.  Breathtaking.

"I've got my eye on you, weird lady."

 *slurp*  Looked like good hay.

 Meanwhile, Kara is OWNING that pony.  :-)  So proud of my girl.

 He was very sweet to Kara today

 The older horses are more prone to eye infections from the flies, so they wear cool screen masks to protect their eyes.  It seems like they liked them.

 I love the tractor in the background of this one.  It makes you feel like you are really on a farm, which we were!

 More manes!

 Fly.  Wish I could have gotten closer, but those stinkers are fast and jumpy.

 Lesson is over and she is walking him back to the pasture to chill for the afternoon

 Getting ready to feed him the treats she pulled out of her pocket


She did so well today and I can't wait to go back with my camera again.  :-)
