
Things I'm grateful for when I'm sick:

  * It could always be worse.  In an effort to be happy where I am and not constantly wishing I was somewhere else (the grass is always greener), I have asked God to help me realize how great where-I-am is.  And, you know He always delivers!  :-)
  * I love being a stay-at-home mom the most when I'm sick (or Kara is).  Being able to rest/sleep all day is the best thing for you and I am blessed to be able to.
  * Having my mom 1/2 mile away for grocery runs, chicken soup, or to watch Kara, whatever I need.
  * Kara "takes care of me".  This includes, watching movies with me like Wall-E, Kung Fu Panda, and various episodes of Spongebob.  We do Kara's nails and play with her hair.  We cuddle and she kisses my forehead and she pats my back.  Call me crazy, but it DOES make me feel better!  She also helps with the chores, which at this age means she gets one of her plastic paintbrushes and (while dry) uses it to dust every piece of furniture in the house.  While I LOVE her help, especially with dusting, there are now clumps of dust on the floor all over the place.  :-)  (Maybe this wouldn't happen in your house, but I only dust a few times a year because I hate it, so a thick layer really builds up!  lol!)  I think there's something to the idea of making your kids chores be the ones you like the least.  If that's the case, Kara will be dusting and cleaning bathrooms.
  * my bed.  Not only do I have gloriously comfortable sheets and pillows, but I have the window side of the bed, my laptop contains all the internet entertainment I could ever want (including several blogs I can read obsessively about couponing), our tv is hd and can play netflix, and I have full run of the dvr.
  * being young - meaning, the sickness rarely lasts long.
  * The first few days I'm well I appreciate it so much more.  I compare it to this:  I really don't like the way trees look without leaves - like I really think it's ugly.  But, in order for me to appreciate the beautiful green leaves, maybe I need to look at ugly sticks for branches for 6 months straight.  It's kind of like that.  I appreciate my youth, strength, and energy right after I spent a week or so without it.


Elisabeth said…
Glad you are feeling better! The one thing I really appreciated after my last sickness was being able to smell a poopy diaper again!
jessicaday said…
LOL! Elisabeth, you crack me up!