What I've been up to this "weekend"...

I decided to start my weekend on Friday this week.  Since I don't work, my "job" (chores, errands, etc.) happen around the clock, so I can pick my "weekend" to be whatever days I want!  I stayed home and did a bunch of chores yesterday and did lots of canning today.  I did more apple butter (it's so easy and fun and you can't mess it up and apples are crazy cheap right now).  There are 17 little jars that hold 1/2 cup that I will be giving away for Christmas.
I also did orange marmalade, but I am really disappointed with how it turned out.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm out of practice, or because I just don't like orange marmalade, or because the oranges I used weren't so great.  I'm gonna have my mom taste test it for me and throw it out if it doesn't pass.  There are 5 medium jars, two 1/2 cup jars, and a big tub in my fridge of the marmalade.

I also made bread.  (My first picture only has one loaf in it.  The other one was given to a friend who moved into a new house.  Who doesn't like freshly baked, homemade bread from scratch?)  I needed time to chill and bake and watch some good tv and get my house back to how I like it.

Here is my "stockpile".  People on Extreme Couponing have these and are definitely viewed as hoarders.  Mine is tiny compared to theirs and a lot of it is going to Halloween and Christmas.  I talked it over with Michael and explained how it makes sense to me to stock up on things while they're on sale to last through to the next sale.  Just when I thought he was going to roll his eyes, he said he thought that was brilliant.  So, we will have a small stockpile for a while.  :-)

Kara helped me put a bunch more posts on my pegboard so I could hang a lot more up.  I LOVE organization!!!  (The walls look like that because this is my unfinished laundry room.)

My mom stopped by for a few minutes to take a look at my back and she and Kara played "acrobats".  I was going to post the video, but then I remembered Kara was only in a night shirt and pant-less little girls don't get posted on the internet!  Anyway, if you remember my post on facebook, I wiped out majorly on Thursday (slipped and fell down the stairs - it was raining and I was walking on flip-flops on a freshly painted deck).  Well, I expected a giant bruise, but it's still pretty painful.  Since I can still bend, sit, lay normally, so I assume nothing is wrong with my bones.  But I have a puffy, fluid-filled bump near the giant bruise.  I'm really trying to "be a man" about this, but it's really painful and the bump worries me.  I'm going to give it a few more days and head to the doctors if a week after the accident it still hurts as much as it does and if the bump hasn't gotten smaller.  *sigh*

Side note:  Wednesday a good friend of the family was in a serious car accident.  It was not her fault and she was in her van alone, but she broke her knee, foot, and BACK.  Her recovery will be long - at least 8 weeks.  She's a go non-stop kind of person and this is the worst time of the year something like this could happen.  Her little girl has a disease she always does a HUGE fundraiser for it every fall, and she'll be in braces and casts through Christmas.  We are all going to be stepping up majorly to help her, but please keep her in your prayers.  And her sweet husband and little girls (ages 6 and 9).


Madamommy said…
Can you write a post on canning? I have ALWAYs wanted to do it... but don't know how! Can you post how you do the apple butter? I have an awesome recipe for pumpkin bread and Jason made some awesome pumpkin pancakes this morning from our freshly baked pumpkins! 'Tis the season for baking!
Vicky said…
Sure hope the fluid from your fall goes away. Great post!