
It's been requested that I post how I can things.  Since I aim to please, here we go!  :-)  Basically I got a recipe for apple butter on the internet and bought jars at WalMart and read the directions on the side of the box.  Here's how I did it:

Apple butter recipe my friend posted on facebook from someone else's blog:
I love this recipe because you can use the apple peel.  I made an apple cake and couldn't use the peels, so I threw them in with my apple butter.  I love less waste!

After 48 hours when your apple butter is good and brown, and after you've pureed it, while it's still warm, it's time to put it in your jars.  Get some from WalMart, any size you want.  I rarely buy the big jars because I rarely want to eat that much at a time.  I followed the directions on the box, which go somthing like this:
  * Open jar - you'll have three pieces:  glass jar, flat top piece, screw top circle.
  * Boil jar and flat top for a minute or so - just so they're hot and germ free.
  * Take them both out, fill jar with apple butter, top with flat top.  Be sure to wipe edge - you want it clean and dry for a good seal.
  * Screw the circle thing on and boil for 10 mintues.
When you take them out of boiling water, let cool for quite a while and poof, they're sealed!  That's it!  (Be sure it's sealed by pushing the button down on the middle of the top of the lid.  Give it 24 hours, just to be sure, but after that the button shouldn't go up and down.  It should just be down.)

I hope I get some comments on advice for improvement, but as of right now, it's pretty easy!  (And you can reuse the glass jar and circle.  And WalMart sells those flat tops by themselves so you don't have to buy a whole new set.)

I hope you all try canning!


Madamommy said…
I'm going to try to do this... we don't have apple farms around here, so I will have to look to see where I can get them for cheap! Thanks for posting!
Madamommy said…
have you done green beans, or anything else?
jessicaday said…
My mother in law does green beans and tomatoes and stuff. (She turns the tomatoes into salsa.)
Vicky said…

I usually just freeze my green beans and tomatoes. But to can them, I would cook them to boiling and let them boil for about 15 minutes. In the mean time, boil your jars, rings and lids. To make it quicker and less messy to fill the jars with your veggies, buy a plastic funnel that has a big funnel end to fit down into the canning jars. This avoids messing up the jar for the possibility of it not sealing properly. I would not fill the jars any further than them touching the funnel. Add some of the water you cooked them in and add some salt, if you wish. You can also fill the jars first and then boil the jars, veggies and all, but I don't know how to do this. Hope that helps! I like to make BIG batches of chili so we have plenty of leftovers. Lately, I have been canning most of the leftovers. Boil your jars, rings and lids when the chili is almost finished cooking (be sure it is cooked thoroughly and if you like to add macaroni or spaghetti, don't add any for the canned portions. Wait and add your pasta to the chili when you are ready to eat it.