Catching up....

It's been a week since I posted? Wow.

We had a great time camping, as you saw from my pictures on facebook. I have a bunch more from the farm we visited that I will get around to posting soon. Camping was cold, but that made the fire that much more awesome, and that made the bug total ZERO. Sounds good to me! I'm just now caught up on laundry, unpacking, and house cleaning, but it was well worth it. I CANNOT believe how insanely cheap camping is. I was thinking it would be a nice vacation week with my in-laws next year. I really only would want to camp for a whole week if it was fall and the bugs were gone and the trees were pretty, but everyone keeps having babies and babies and camping don't mix (well, babies and camp FIRES don't mix). :-) I'm ready when you guys are!

Kara is still loving school.  She is writing sentences now and her reading is really coming along.  (Still not spectacular, but she's making huge strides.)  I asked her the other day if she liked preschool better or kindergarten better.  She said kindergarten.  When I asked her why, she said because she LOVES her teacher.  Her teacher comes from a whole family of kindergarten teachers and she adores her job and the kids.  She is super silly and they dance and sing and spin and have a lot of fun while they learn.  :-)  I love it.

The other day Kara said she wanted to be a teacher when she grew up.  When I asked why, she said, "so I can tell everyone what to do."  Lol!

Michael's in the middle of several weekends in a row of fishing tournaments.  Fall fishing is awesome because the fish are getting ready for the winter and will bite anything - including their lures.  Michael has been having a so-so year, until recently when he won the tournament.  I was happy for him - he took the winning money and took everyone out to dinner.  :-)

My back is getting better and better every day.  2 weeks after my fall, the doc says it'll be at least 2 more weeks of pain and the bump.  I recommend people don't wear flip flops in the rain!

Halloween stuff is coming up in a few days, so I'll be posting all about that and cute pictures of Kara dressed up as Spongebob.  Well, not really dressed as him, but more like a Spongebob fan.


Elisabeth said…
I think a family camping trip sounds AWESOME!!!! We definitely need to put that on the calendar for next year!