Happy Birthday Michael

Today is Michael's 30th birthday. That doesn't feel like such a big deal to me because maturity wise he's been in his 30s for a long time. He is so responsible and mature and makes excellent decisions because he seeks the Lord's advice first. All that responsibility and maturity may sound boring, but he's a big goof ball too. He took me to a cartoon (Ice Age) on our first date and proceeded to laugh out loud all through the whole thing. I knew he was the man for me after that! He's a big kid who loves to play hide and seek with our daughter and watch Spongebob. It's the perfect mix of both worlds if you ask me!

I have learned so much from him, despite the fact he's younger than me. Up to this point, the biggest lessons are:
* read your Bible daily
* people only treat you how you let them treat you. There is a Godly way to make sure people don't take advantage of you.
* he accepts me for who I am (passionate, outgoing, friendships are important to me, blabbermouth) and I accept him for who he is (quiet, likes time alone, doesn't want/need friendships)

He doesn't make me feel bad or have long discussions with me about these things. He just lives his life in a way that makes me want to be like that.

Now that I'm a mother, I feel like everyone's mother should be recognized on their birthdays, so Vicky, here's to you! For giving birth to a wonderful baby that you raised to be a fun loving boy who loves his Savior and learned from watching you and Tim how to be a good husband and father. I am very grateful!!!


Vicky said…
What a very sweet thing for you to end your post with! Truth be known, Tim and I cannot take the credit.....we give all the credit to our God! Without Him we would not have raised Michael or any of the kids the way we did and the way we thought He would want us to raise them to serve Him! Praise the LORD!
jessicaday said…
Well, you still did what God told you to do! God is good and I appreciate you following His plan. :-)