Catching Up

I haven't posted in a while, so I'll catch you up. We had a great father's day - church, then bbq at my parents house, we got my dad golf balls and his favorite movie (the godfather trilogy) on blu ray, then we played bridge. Michael got Cincinnati Bearcats tshirts and a hat. Of course, when they came in the mail Tuesday, he couldn't wait one more day for his presents. :-) So we opened them early and he took them with him on his fishing trip with the guys. This time it was only two days, one night, but it was a lot of fun for him and just what he wanted to do for father's day.

Monday I woke up early to go count the tithe at church, which you know I love. I was almost ready to go when the phone rang. My mom was crying saying Kara was crying. She woke up with a nightmare and wanted me. She kept saying it was a good dream and when she described it it didn't sound scary, but I don't know why she wanted me. She said we were out to dinner at a restaurant and I was grandma's age but still looked like me and she was my age. Anyway, I'm always a mommy first, so I went and gave her some hugs and offered to take her to count the tithe with me. It was very boring for her, but she was happy and VERY good. She didn't make a peep. She was a little whiny and clingy all day, so I gave her a little extra love. My friend's car wouldn't start that day, so I offered to take her to lunch and then help with some errands. Then I was exhausted! (only because I'm sick)

Tuesday I finally went to the doctor. I always look at my calendar to I can answer the questions they have. First day of your last menstrual cycle, how long have the symptoms been going on, etc. I realized I've been sick 4 weeks! It started as just a cold, and the only real symptoms I've had after that are coughing and fatigue. She said I have reactive airway disease, which I developed from the bronchitis and pneumonia I had a few years ago, and my lungs will probably always need help from steriods to get over a simple cold. While it's disappointing to have this, at least I know the solution and next time the doctor said to only wait 1 week, not 4! She said, no wonder you were tired - your body was using all its energy to breath and didn't have anything leftover! I took the first steriod pill (I only have 5) yesterday and I'm already feeling better. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until I'm starting to get better. I am feeling a bit overwarm and not sleeping so well, but I figure those are just side effects. The good news? I have always had excellent vitals, including great blood pressure. It's always 110/70. All the cardio I do may not be doing much for my waist line, but it's great for my heart! :-)

So today we're taking it easy and I get to do one of my favorite things - research for vacations. Maybe I should be a travel agent? My family are all going to Maine (the Sebego Lake, Long Lake area) next summer - we used to go every summer when I was growing up, and we're planning on going next year for the first time in over a decade. It's gonna be great!! I sure hope it hasn't changed too much - I'll be so disappointed.


Vicky said…
So glad the steroids are helping! I know exactly how your mom felt with Kara crying...helpless! Sounds like a great vacation planned! Tim and I want to get back to Boston sometime, but that will probably not happen! I'm glad we did some traveling while I was working and we could afford it!