Spring Cleaning

Now that spring is here, it makes me want to clean. Not just clean, but organize. Why is it I spend all winter cooped up in the house and I don't feel the need to clean then when I have nothing interesting to do? Lately I'm finding closets and cabinets are all too full, too sloppy, and contain things I never use and could gladly give away to someone who could use them! Last night my bedside table was so full, papers and things fell behind the drawers. It is a fairly nice piece of furniture, so the drawers don't just pop out. I ended up emptying the whole thing, turning it upside down and letting the empty drawers catch what was in the bottom. (It was Michael's genius idea - and it worked!) After that I looked at a HUGE pile of junk, realizing I don't use half of it and got rid of a lot of it. Now my near empty drawers are so organized and only contain things I use all the time. Wow, do I feel so calm and happy about it! Remember, I'm a neat freak, so I feel literal emotions about this. It makes me want to get started on the rest of the house! .......ugh. The worst part about having a big house with many closets is cleaning all of it.


Ha ha! Just checked my mail and there's going to be a community wide yard sale soon and a dumpster for us to use in a few weeks. Let's all spring clean!


Vicky said…
I need to borrow your energy for a couple of weeks! :D
Kattrina said…
That's funny - we have a dumpster coming too! Ugg, I hate spring cleaning though. I just wish I had more time. There are so many things that should be cleaned but I just can't get it all done in the few spare hours that I have - so I just don't attempt. One of these days I'll get to it!