
Kara has really been demonstrating maturity and responsibility lately. The other day I told her I would do her chores for her (which I do every once in a while just to be nice) and usually she says Thank you Mommy and heads on her merry way. That's very polite and I like that. The other day she said, "Can I help you make the bed?" Very sweet!

Yesterday when my hands were full carrying stuff down to the basement, she said, "Mommy, can I give you a hand?"

I'm so proud of her. Doing what's asked of you at age 4 is big. But going above and beyond is exceptional. Her new punishment when she is bad is I tell her Grandma what she did wrong - it stops her every time. So, I feel like when she does something really well, I should tell her too. Yesterday when telling my mom (in front of Kara) how kind and thoughtful she was, she said, "Mommy, you're the one who taught me how to be like that."

*sigh* I hope she never grows up. She's so awesome.


Vicky said…
They learn by example....she just proved that! :D
jessicaday said…
That's such a nice thing to say. :-) You're so sweet to me! :-)