Spring Photo Shoot

Today was about 85 degrees so we had to get out of the house. We walked around the yard to capture the beauty of God's creation. Then Michael joined us and we walked to the playground.

The gigantic tree that fell this winter was replaced by this baby. So cute!

These tulips only bloom for a week out of the whole year. That just makes them more special. :-)

Our back yard is full of these weeds that look like baby's breath. Too bad the A/C unit was in the way!
This is her "I love you Mommy" look. I'm glad I got a picture of it. :-)
This is the first spring/summer that she can swing by herself.
Daddy likes to swing too.

Are we here for Kara or for Daddy? What a goofball! :-)


Kattrina said…
I took Peyton to the playground on Sunday (when it was still pretty chilly), but she had a great time. Not quite old enough for the swings but she's finally gotten the hang of the little slides. I haven't found a playground that is as cool as the ones the military build for us though!
jessicaday said…
I agree Kattrina! They had playgrounds on every other street. Really tall swings and lots of monkey bars. Awesome.....
Anonymous said…
Such sweet pics!!!