Cruise - Day 3

The third day brought us to Bermuda, which means calm seas and turquoise water. We sailed all the way around the island before we finally docked.

While we waited for the ship to dock, we walked around the ship a bit and Michael and Kara played shuffleboard.

Then when we got off the ship, we walked around and looked for a place for Michael and Kara to fish.

Finally they fished off the end of the pier and I got some great pictures.

While the weather was beautiful during the day, it was chilly at night. So after we napped, we went to the early dinner and then the magic show. It was pretty good! Sometimes I thought - I bet I could figure out how he did that, but other times I couldn't believe it! Kara liked it too.

Then we just went back to the room and hung out. We watched cartoons and played with toys.
