Kindergarten Registration

Kara's first steps

Today I brought Kara with me to register her for Kindergarten in public school. It turns out while the people are nice, it's so much more official than preschool and there are lots of rules. In preschool we pretty much come and go as we please, but Kindergarten is full of bus schedules and you can buy lunches and you need to bring school supplies and you have to be buzzed in the front door. I feel like preschool was like swim lessons - I paid, I signed her up, I made the rules.

We didn't do anything today but fill out LOTS of paperwork. May is when we have the Kindergarten orientation when we see the classroom, meet the other parents, and meet the teacher. Then in August (the day before the first day of school) we have a one on one conference with the teacher. Then the Kindergarteners start on a staggered schedule, then it's real life.

Wow, weird. My day will certainly be more free, but her day will be so full. She adores preschool and has made many friends, I have to just hope that the same happens in Kindergarten. I hope she loves it - I loved school clear up through middle school.

Side Note: Kara got her report card today and it was amazing. I'm so proud of that girl!


Vicky said…
AWWW! I got teary-eyed looking at the picture you posted! Where has the time gone? :(
jessicaday said…
Tell me about it!! She's so big and smart and mature. Not a baby anymore. :-(