Cruise - Day 2

Day 2. I woke up to the ship rocking back and forth. Since we had a small inside room on the bottom floor and I could still feel the rocking, I knew it was going to be bad. While laying in bed, I felt like I was gently being rocked to sleep and it was awesome. But as soon as we got upstairs to the 9th floor for breakfast, people could barely walk without running into walls and the waves were 9 to 12 feet. Whoa.

By the time breakfast was done, we dropped Kara off to play with the kids, and we headed to the back of the ship so I can do my Bible study. I love the way the water looks with the big wake our huge ship leaves behind. Ugh. It started to feel like reading in the car - since I get motion sickness, that's not a good thing. The headache is the start, then the nausea comes next. By the time I was done with my Bible study I told Michael I needed to get back to the room because I was feeling awful. He checked on Kara, who was ready to go swimming again while I went to bed. I lied in bed feeling pretty bad for a while, then they came to check on me since they were going to lunch. I said, please just bring me some fruit. 45 minutes later they were back and I realized I dozed off. I could see I was feeling better, so when it was Kara's nap time, we all three decided to change into pjs and have a real nap. THREE hours later I was waking everybody up because it was 5 o'clock! The seas had calmed down and I was well rested and felt 100%. :-)

We ordered room service, showered before dinner, and hung out in the room. Not many pictures from the second day. Even though I took a Dramamine, for the first time in my life, it didn't work.


Anonymous said…
Every evening our ship rocked!!! We both wore the patches and seriously, if we hadn't...we would've been SO sick. I actually did feel a little icky once, but it went away. And that was with wearing the patch! When we would go to a show in the evening the curtains on the stage would sway back and forth and when we would leave the theater everyone would be sort of stumbling around! Not what I expected!
Sorry you were sick, but glad it didn't last too long.