Geography and Health

* These curriculum posts can be a little long and wordy, so I found funny homeschool memes on Pinterest to throw in between paragraphs.  Enjoy!

This Geography curriculum is supposed to be just one semester long, so we will also be doing Health (which is also one semester long).  Kara has decided she wants to do them both at the same time, that way she only reads a little at a time.

First, I'll show you Geography.

Here is the textbook.  It is so well done and so beautiful.

Here are the units and chapters in the book:

The teacher's manual doesn't have all of her info, but it has so many goodies, including daily lesson plans, extra info, and answers to all the things.

The video manual includes lesson plans also.

I didn't purchase the videos - keep reading and I'll tell you how I plan to use these books.

The tests look like this:

This is just one page of the Ch. 4 test.

And the map studies book looks like this:

I don't plan to use all of the things offered for this course.  I am completely outside my comfort zone, and I am super excited about it actually.  I plan to have her read each unit in about a month (maybe 2 months for the longer units).  (Each unit is on a continent.)  I plan to have her take notes while she reads, then at the end of that unit, use those notes to write an awesome, giant essay/paper.

I may have her do more than just write about it - we may get creative and do a map, speech, drawing, Minecraft something, powerpoint, etc. Think:  a presentation on each continent.

Okay, you may be wondering why I bought so many books in this set if I don't plan to use them all.  I actually got them as a set at a going out of business sale for a used homeschool curriculum book store.  It was absolutely wonderful.  I got them for $1.  Praise God!

Now, for high school health, we are using this one book:

Here are the topics we will cover:

Again, Abeka made another beautiful textbook.

Again, I plan to use this book a little differently than the classic approach.  I want Kara to read the book and take notes as she reads.  I may have her write an essay too.  Maybe we'll get creative with how we organize the info too.

Can you tell I care less about memorizing facts and more about understanding topics and being a good writer?

The closer we get, the more excited I get for next year!!  Praise God for this extraordinary life we get to live!
