Let's Change the Subject

Here is how my November has gone:
 - sad friendship stuff for someone close to me - not really at liberty to blog about
 - exciting stuff happening with friends that they aren't ready to have on the internet yet
 - hormones started a difficult time with my anxiety - it took a while to work on getting out of it - things are much better
 - more exciting things not ready for the internet
 - friend had a close family member really sick, another friend had a close family member pass away, another friend had a step brother pass away
 - didn't participate in Thanksgiving this year due to a nasty stomach bug - yuck

So, let's change the subject!

Thanksgiving week was great here (despite the pukies).  Time with my parents and with Christina and Tony is always awesome.  Shooting guns, yummy meals, lots of talking/laughing, Balderdash, lemon/lime challenges, all good stuff!!

I took alarmingly few pictures.

Shadow loved Christina.  He's my grumpy old man who
usually only likes me, so this was really sweet to see.

Everyone left today, so Kara and I got back to real life with school, and I had church stuff to catch up on and a finance team meeting.

My parents graciously brought my IKEA purchases with them from Florida.  They have one 30 minutes away and it was nice to go there, instead of driving 3 hours to Atlanta to go to one.  :-)

Michael got a new desk:

I picked a corner desk since he has so many monitors.
He really likes it and was really sweet when we set it
up and found I didn't buy enough legs!
He moved it to face the view, which I think he likes.

I bought Kara and I an extra set of drawers at IKEA so we could be flexible with our setup.

We went from this:

To this:

It is weird at first, but we just might like it.  I know I'll like being able to reach the windows to open them.  Tomorrow is going to be warm enough to open them - let's see if they'll budge!


Vicky said…
AW! Just now seeing this post. So sorry you were sick through Thanksgiving! Were you the only one who was sick?