Sunny Florida

Kara and I are on a fun trip to Florida.  Why would I leave 92 degrees in mid October to go to a hotter place, you ask?  Only for my parents!  I'm not a fan of Florida as a state, but I love seeing my parents.  I love their house, their neighborhood, their friends, and the guest house we get to stay in while we are here.  It's truly my second home.

Here we are on the shuttle to the airport in Birmingham.

I LOVE this living wall in Birmingham airport.

Our flight was delayed - naturally - because
we were really early!  So, we pulled out our
computers and watched Netflix for a bit.

On the plane.  Double chin alert!

Much better angle.  I need to not be in front.
By the way, it's more fun to take selfies on planes when
my cute daughter is with me.  Without her I am a weirdo.

I saw those people in the background in the airport elevator and I said, "hey!  You were on the plane with us and sat right next to us.  Welcome to Florida."  They didn't say a word or even smile.  They DEFINITELY weren't from Alabama.  :-(  Yankees.  :-(

Well, these sights were magnificent with
lots of water and a setting sun.
Oh well!

Now we are in sunny Florida, being spoiled rotten by my parents, enjoying a nice vacation.  :-)

Update:  I am home and back in the real world.  Praise God for the contentment He gave me - I love my life in the real world too!
