No Data Left

It's been forever since I posted.  We have limited data at home and Michael worked a million hours this month, so we are way over.  So my blog doesn't get attention.  Let's look at pictures on my phone so we can see what we've been up to:

My first gray hair.  It was brown on the
bottom.  Here we go.

Kara doing school - she is like a daddy
long leg spider - all limbs.

This is Kara's desk.  Sometimes she is so
much like me, then I look at her desk and
wonder if she's adopted.

This is the picture of our view.  Take a look at the picture
at the top of my blog and compare it to this.  The very
tall trees are down, but these medium trees are in the
way of the view (a little), so they are coming down next.
They said we have to wait until the fall.

We found these in our yard - any idea what
they are?  Meanwhile, look at that rocky soil
poor Michael is trying to grow grass on.

The kitties love being outdoor cats.  They
don't go very far from the house, but they
are just about 4 months old, so I'm sure that
will change.  (One is up close and the other
is in the distance near the tree line.)

Cool woodpecker holes.  I love hearing them.

Kara said fall is coming and showed me
a sweet little acorn.

School pictures:

This picture really showed me how Kara
has that typical stereotype homeschool
look - it's the unbrushed hair.  Whoa.
Eh, she'll care soon enough - let's enjoy
ten years old.

We switched the kitties to the raw diet.  After a lot of
research, it is what is healthy and natural for them.
Jake is on the raw diet too and he is healthy, beautiful,
full of energy, etc.  They are great eaters, so they
switched happily.  Here we have beef, chicken, catfish,
chicken livers, chicken gizzards, and pork.  They like
beef the most and pork the least.

Things I don't have pictures of:

Last night we watched the meteor shower and it was awesome.

I am super crazy and even though we are about 25 lessons into a 160 lesson school year, I'm researching seventh grade curriculums.

This has been a super busy week.  I tried to return to normal life, thinking I was 100% well, but I am really only 100% well when I rest a bunch and don't need to cook dinner.  I'm tired, man.

I am going to teach a women's study at church.  (They don't have a women's group yet, so I will start one!)  I prayed about it and came to decide to do Priscilla Shirer's Armor of God study, which I already did on my own.  It'll help to be familiar with it.

We had a day or two of cooler weather - in the upper 80s - and it was divine.  We're boiling again, but it was nice to see the break from the heat is coming - in two or three months.

Kara's hormones have been better lately.  I think the cats are a great distraction.

I'm going to sneak and do a quick weekend trip to visit my sister in Maryland.  No one else gets to see me, just her.  She is not quite herself still from the accident, so she needs to see me well and normal.  While we're there we're going to an Orioles game, which will be super fun.
