Moving Forward

The architect (Earl) finally came back from vacation and even though he didn't respond to my email Monday night, my text Wednesday morning had him calling me.  I know I'm not the only person he is working with, but I feel like a lot of time has gone by and I still had nothing more than the first draft.  I tried to stay sweet, you know, "I'm not sure if you got my email," "I can't remember if you were going to be gone one week or two," but he called and I gave him all my notes and I am very excited about the second draft.  There are a few really neat ideas I can't wait to show you.  He says he just needs a few days - sounds good!

In the mean time, I emailed the job superintendent (Bert) and asked if there is anything else we can be doing.  I told him January came and went and nothing really happened.  He said I can come down next week and we can get the utilities run, as well as get a gravel drive laid to support the equipment that needs to get back to the property.  Hopefully we can talk tree clearing too.  Anyway, I booked a flight, Kara and Michael are staying home, and next week I'll be on the property starting all of this!  I'd better bring my checkbook.  Side note:  having Bert as the job superintendent is awesome - he made all the phone calls, set everything up, and rearranged his schedule to accommodate me.  All I had to do is tell him I wanted to move forward and he jumped into action.  I am so grateful for his expertise - something I'm sure I'll pay for, but will be worth it!

Let's see, what else is going on.  We are still doing night school and Kara is doing really well with it for now.  All subjects that require reading (not math) she does really well with at night.  I told her night time is not my best time of day, so she has to do most of it on her own.  She's great with that.  She's retaining a lot.  She's getting it all done.  We'll keep it up as long as it works.  Meanwhile, we do math in the morning, if we do it at all.  (We are almost done with math, so we can afford to slow down a bit.)

Michael is still working on the Alabama job thing.  We both trust that God will open the door He wants us to walk through, so he isn't forcing his way through anything.  I'm kind of grateful it's taking a little while.  I think I've said this before.  I'd actually kind of like for the house in Alabama to be done before we move - that way we can go straight from this house to that one.  And I'm pretty sure it'll take about a year for the house to be done.  Maybe January or February of 2016.

So, we are taking it one step at a time, trusting God has the whole thing designed and planned and is standing over our new life in Alabama so excited to unfold each step to us.

In the mean time, this website has a lot of great pictures and a few videos about our future town.
