What Else is Going On

I know I've been talking about the Alabama house a lot, so I thought I'd talk about other stuff for a bit.  While emails, phone calls, and trips to Alabama have turned into a full time job (yes, we're way past part time job hours), there are other things too.

School is one other thing.  Well, it's supposed to be.  We are still doing night school while it's still working, however, we have taken some more time off.  Kara had a cold, and now I do, and I was out of town in there too.  I just keep her reading (she reads a 300 page novel every day or two!), we review her multiplication tables, and she's writing her books.  I figure since we did school through the summer and she's still doing the basics, that's good enough.  While lesson plans and homeschool ideas are usually like crack to me, I haven't put any effort into it in a long time.  Again, being ahead of schedule has me not stressing and feeling like we've earned it.  We do need a new Bible curriculum, though.  Awanas was strictly memorization without much of a lesson (which Kara grew out of).  I'd love to hear what your kids use and love.

Michael went to Florida for his annual fishing trip with the guys a few weeks ago.  He is working, but just full time since the company sold.  I love this for him.  His work is feeling a little unchallenging these days, which is difficult for a person like Michael who thrives on being mentally stimulated, but he knows the Alabama job is around the corner, relatively speaking.  Since it is snowing regularly, fishing season is still pretty far away.  So, Michael has been playing a tanks computer game in his spare time.  Of course, it is an extremely complicated and strategic game, and of course he has mastered it in the last two or three months.  I think he'll be bored with it soon - I'm hoping it lasts until fishing season starts.  His smart brain is an amazing thing, but requires a lot of brain food!

Kara is playing Minecraft and reading Warrior Cats.  She hangs out with friends, found a place to serve in church on her own, and hangs out with my mom a lot still.  Her feet are doing really well, but a recent growth spurt (how is she so giant?  She wears a size 4-5 shoe!) has her good ol' left foot not doing what it's supposed to do.  She still goes to physical therapy every 2 weeks and we are happy to see that her muscles and joints can do everything they need to.  Wearing braces more and being more active has really helped her body fix itself.  How wonderful!  All of Kara's hard work in the fall has really paid off.  And I love that she had a growth spurt while we were still here in Maryland, still going to physical therapy.  AND, I love that Michael's new company means new health insurance, which means we get to start over with physical therapy.  We were running out of our alloted amount for the year, and now we start over, clean slate.

I am trying to spend time with my parents more these days as I realize our days here are numbered.  I'm trying to spend more time with my sister and with Stephanie too.  I haven't done much cleaning out of the house/closets in a while, but I would really like to.  Kara's casting had us taking a break from horse lessons, pottery, and Awanas, so we have been home more and more.  It turns out we both love being home this much and we are quitters.  We're not going back.  Except to pottery - because I prepaid for a boat load of lessons.  (I just have to get up the energy to make the appointment.)  This time at home has been nice so I have time to get ready for packing, but the last month or so has been pretty unproductive on that front because of the Alabama stuff and now sickness.  I have energy to get food, do dishes, and that's about it.  Ugh.  I miss my photography hobby.  I tried to read a new book, but it turns out the heroine's husband was having an affair and it depressed me so much.  I need a new good book.  I am in the middle of a good Bible study.  I haven't cooked or baked much, which I miss.  Hopefully I feel better soon so I can do my chores again so I'll have time to do some of my beloved hobbies.  At least Michael and I make time to have our date day/night every week (thanks mom and dad for watching Kara every week).  My bridge hobby is alive and well and we are even winning more and more these days.  Go girls!  ;-)

Now I'm planning our trip to Alabama in March for the ground breaking.  We are driving, instead of flying, which is easier and harder at the same time.  With my anxiety, driving is way better, so that's good.  And now we're back to talking about Alabama!

As you can see, overall things are good.  :-)  I hope things are good with you too, my sweet readers!
