Cruise - Day 1

So, those of you reading this may not care so much about the details, but I use this blog as a journal for myself. The cruise I just got back from was so amazing I don't want to forget about it. Feel free to just browse the pictures. :-) So, here goes!

Since we live right near the port, we had the morning to ourselves - everyone went to work and school - then we had lunch before my mom drove us to the port. Our bags were packed and the temperature was unusually warm, so we were feeling tropical and ready to sail away. As we pulled up, we saw the ship - so pretty!

After waiting an unusually long time in lines (technical difficulties for Royal Carribbean and NO a/c - it was miserable and I was feeling sick by the end of that), we finally got on the ship and started exploring.

We found a Ben & Jerry's! The freshly made waffle cones smelled so good all hours of the day. It was tacky, however, to charge for the ice cream. We already paid for food when we bought our tickets. Anyway, we hit the free ice cream bar out by the pool. :-)

Kara was the most excited about the pools on the ship. She wanted to swim so badly. Especially after hours in line in that hot little building with thousands of people - we went right to our room so she could change and take a dip.

My little mermaid. :-) She had a blast, made new friends in the pool, and enjoyed being able to swim so well thanks to years of lessons. Michael hadn't seen her swim in a while (since he works while she's at her lessons), so when she jumped right in he said, "Whoa!" while he chuckled. I said, just wait - she can do arms and dive and everything. It's always fun to brag about your kids to your spouse who's equally impressed because he loves her as much as you do.

Then it was time for a bite to eat at the burger bar by the pool while we watched the ship sail down the Chesapeake Bay under the Key Bridge. I wished so much we could have seen the ship sail under the Bay Bridge (which we drive over all the time), but it was after midnight by the time we were there and I was sleeping.

After that we took her to the "Adventure Ocean" which is the kids program. She had so much fun there, that when we went to pick her up for the show, she said she wanted to stay. Okay! Lol! Michael and I went to the show alone and picked her up for dinner.

We met a sweet little girl who was 8 that hit it off with Kara and they made dinner time awesome since they were happy together. Soup, salad, mushroom alfredo, and chocolate dessert for dinner and I was officially in the mood for my cruise. Ah, it's good to be on a ship!!


Anonymous said…
With the prices they charge for the tickets, I totally AGREE that it is tacky to charge for...well...anything!!! Except the shops of course. But I did not like that about ours either.
Vicky said…
I agree! And $3 for a bottle of water they put in your rooms is RIDICULOUS!!! And it is probably more than that by now! $3 was a 2002 price!