
So, I've been working really hard to try to get into shape and lose the weight I gained this summer. After that, I'd like to lose 10 more pounds. I have been doing everything right - no sweets, no chips, only one soda a day, and no fast food (except Chick-Fil-A salads - yum!). Lots and lots of protein, fruit, veggies, and low fat dairy. Whole grain carbs only, and limited. Sounds good right? Well, it gets better - 6 days a week I burn at least 300 calories. Three days a week cardio, and three days a week strength training (after a bit of cardio first to get the blood pumping). The first two weeks I lost 5.5 pounds. I've done better at diets before in my life, but it was a good start. Well, this third week I gained two pounds - my balance is now only 3.5 pounds. Sigh. It isn't so bad because my legs, butt, and arms are already looking better, but my stomach is still humongous. I know, I know, it's only been three weeks, but I really thought I'd be making more progress than this. (It doesn't help that my friend who had a baby two weeks ago has her tight stomach back ALREADY!)

Just as I was getting really down about it, I decided to play with Kara outside. We ended up walking/running/carrying her for about 2 miles, and dance like maniacs three songs in a row. I realized I never got tired. I would have never been able to do that a month ago. So, God is telling me to keep up the good work and stop stressing about being fat. It's like short people who are self conscious about being short, but it turns out no one else cares they're short. Maybe no one else really cares that I'm fat. I know my daughter had a lot of fun with me today and she won't remember that her mom was pudgy, she's going to remember going for walks, playing at the playground, and dancing.


Anonymous said…
Absolutely!!!! That was an awesome revelation! Good for you.
Vicky said…
Read my comment on Facebook. I also know that your flat-stomached friend and you are created uniquely, not equally (probably) so you should not be judging yourself by her achievements! Sounds to me like you are becoming more healthy despite what you "think" you should look like!
Stacey White said…
Great revelation! Do you like me any less become I'm pleasantly plump? Of course not... Your daughter will remember the time you spent with her, the attention you gave her, and the fun you had... Any kind of activity will help you burn calories... Running around at the park, dancing around the house doing chores... Just enjoy life and have fun! Love ya, Jessica<3
Kattrina said…
I agree with everyone else. First, I'm sure Kara never thinks about your size. Second, any time spent with her is probably more special than time you spend alone on the treadmill. Third, moms can very easily (and often unknowingly) pass their body insecurities onto their daughters, so it's incredibly important that you love and accept yourself so that you can teach Kara to love and accept herself. So love you!