
So, we're finally here - New Moon (the second book in the Twilight series) - is coming out on Friday. Back in March when the Twilight movie came out on DVD, I rented it to see what all the fuss is about. I figured if I liked the movie, I'd read the books. Well, the movie was awesome, so I started the books. They were so great!!! I read the whole series soon after that (in fact, I read New Moon in one day) and looked on the internet to see when the next movie would be out. The internet had a countdown already, which informed me I had to wait 145 days. Wow! So, finally, after waiting so long, after reading the series over and over, and after seeing all the little trailers and clips of the movie, it will finally be available for me to see in just a matter of a few days. Now I just have to figure out who will go with me to see it......


Kattrina said…
I would totally go with you - except I am out of the country for the opening day. Sad. I will have to go the weekend after. Which means I'll have to find someone who didn't already go....that will prove quite difficult I think!
jessicaday said…
Are you kidding? I'm sure there will be plenty of people who have already seen it and will be happy to go AGAIN with you. :-)