
I just heard a podcast where the ladies talked about mentoring younger women and it all started with what they would tell their 25 year old selves.  While I am currently 39 and not super wise, I am wiser than my 25 year old self.  So, here is some advice for a wrinkle free, thinner, Jessica.  I pray something encourages you.

 * Have lots more pets.  Animals bring so much love and help your anxiety.  Have all the pets you want and don't worry about the fur or how much it will cost to board them when you go out of town.  You won't be poor and you'll be able to afford it.
 * No one cares if your house is messy or dirty besides you.  Or your car.  Let it go.  Practice one room at a time and feel the heavy weight drop off your shoulders.  And wait to clean until everyone leaves.
 * No one cares if you're fat.  Your husband is all about whatever you have, heavy or light.  Be healthy, love yourself, and teach your daughter the same thing.
 * Investing in friendships is very important.  Look closely to who really syncs up with you and focus on them.  You will waste too much time trying to put so much of yourself into people who don't care. Be okay with the ones who don't care - you have plenty that do.
 * Buy nicer clothes.  You know you feel more confident in clothes that fit right - usually those don't come from Walmart.  Buy less quantity and more quality.  You're worth it.  And your daughter is watching.  Confidence is more attractive than being thin.
 * This baby you are about to get pregnant with is the only one you are going to have.  Don't buy gender neutral stuff - go nuts and enjoy all the pink!  Take loads more videos - your memory stinks.
 * The inner critic you have in your head is lying constantly.  Whatever advice you would give your best friend is the only advice you should listen to.  God will bring you your people - be secure in their love.
 * Your husband is different than anyone you have ever met.  As soon as you figure him out (hint:  google "introvert" and "intj"), you will realize the amazing gift he is.  The security you will find in your marriage will help you in all areas of life.
 * The Bible study you are about to join will change your life and enrich your walk with the Lord so much.  I know you'll make it a priority - enjoy!

What would you tell your 25 year old self?
