Ralph Breaks the Internet

While my sweet friend was in town with her kiddos for New Years, we went to see Ralph Breaks the Internet.  (Seriously?  They didn't want to say Ralph Wrecks the Internet?  He's Wreck it Ralph!)

***  Movie spoilers coming up.  Click away now if you haven't seen it yet.  ***

The movie is a sequel to Wreck it Ralph, which was about old arcade game characters defeating a common bad guy and becoming friends with each other in the process, embracing their differences because they're from different games.

Ralph Breaks the Internet is about now best friends (thanks to the first movie), Ralph from Fix it Felix and Vanellope from Sugar Rush (a car racing game).  They both live in arcade games in an old arcade whose business isn't doing so great.  The plot leads them to head into the internet to save Sugar Rush from being unplugged (and to save Sugar Rush's characters from all dying in the unplugging).

Vanellope gets to drive in a Grand Theft Auto type game, where she gets to race and meet new friends.  She basically falls in love with the game and wants to move there.  Ralph gets needy and jealous because he doesn't want his best friend to leave him.  By the end, he realizes he loves her too much not to let her go and live her best life in her new game.  They keep in touch and regularly visit each other and it works out so great.

I had no idea what the movie was about.  I LOVE that we got to see this movie with these friends.  You see, Alabama is our new video game and we are Vanellope.  Our dear friends never held us back, but encouraged us to live our dream, and continue to love and support us.  And of course there are plenty of visits!

Praise God for friends like this.  They are priceless.
