July 4th

This was a few days ago, but watching the storms coming
toward us across the lake is super cool.

How cute is this little guy?

Tony put a lot of wildflower seeds down in his yard and here are our pictures of it.  Kara took most of them.

Look at these fireworks!

Michael and Tony down at the trailer setting off the fireworks

Kara watching.  In some of these you can see my mom watching on the end.

All morning we cooked and cleaned to prepare for a fun day.  (C&T planned for days, weeks for the fireworks.)  We swam at C&T's house and BBQ'd.  After, it was time to head to my house.  We watched the town's fireworks from my front porch, then the guys set off their own fireworks in our yard.  They were amazing!!

What a fun day.


Vicky said…
I LOVE your storm picture! And I love wildflowers!