School with the Kitties

I know I have a ton of posts of us schooling with the kitties, but I think I can never have too many!

It got nice and warm here for about a week, now we are breaking records in the mid-90s.  The warm weather has us doing school outside with the sweet kitties.  I have to say, I have had the best, most relaxed week I have had in a long time.

They are our precious babies.  Here is Shiloh asleep with her face buried in Kara like Kara is her mommy.

Then they bring animal after animal to our door step.  Usually all that is left is an organ.  

Alive, but, yes, that is blood on the wall.

And dead.  The next time I checked outside,
the head was gone.  (You are welcome for no
picture.)  After that, just a pile of intestines.
(Again, you're welcome.)

Then after feasting, they are back to our little angels.

Shiloh asleep on Kara while Kara does Spanish via video.
P.S.  Having the lady on the videos teach Kara a subject
for me was such a good call!

Look at the sleepy little cutie.

I LOVE the vampire teeth!

Wouldn't you want to do school out here?

Happy May y'all.


Vicky said…
LOL! Vampire teeth was my very thought!
Yes, thanks for sparing us the gore! :D
Yes, I could totally do school on that screened in porch.....less the blood, guts and tears! :D
Love you!
PS - I need some ideas for Kara's birthday!