Loving Life in May

Mother's Day came and went.  I could not imagine a life without my sweet girl, who is rapidly growing into my best buddy.

Different things have been blooming off and on since February here.  This is an amazing flower in two different stages from the same weed - thistle.  Sometimes the ugliest weed has the prettiest bloom.  I just know there is a life lesson in there.

My parents came to visit last week to finalize the decisions on their house, which will be ready in a few weeks.  Here they are pulling into my driveway.  :-)

Here we are in their laundry room, the four of us.  We don't get a lot of pictures of us, so I had to take a quick selfie.

We had a great time and next time they come they will be moving in!

It's been a great month and it isn't over yet.  Life is good.


Vicky said…
That thistle bloom is amazing!