Mom & Dad's Visit

My parents are in town camping with their friends, so they came a few days early to hang out with us first.  Then they'll stay a few days later to see us too.  Here are some pictures from our awesome visit so far.


I guess she is comfy.  lol.

At the high school football game.  We had a blast!

Half time!  It's so hot for being so dark.  

Michael finally got his 4 wheeler.  Its been a great thing
for him to do with Kara.  I got on it and drove away and
felt like I was going to fall off the whole time.  Maybe
from the accident.  I'll try it again later.







My mom finally went on a horse riding lesson with Kara.  She had a great time and did really well.

These days Kara only has fun when
she is really kicking the dust up.

The horse wouldn't get on this
see saw and Kara worked with him
to make him do it.  I'm so proud of her!

Bella is a little more willing.

Crushed it!


Unknown said…
Your cats are SO phtotgenic! They're gorgeous!
jeday0323 said…
Aw, thanks. I think they are super cute too! And their longer fur makes them super soft too. Kara ADORES them and even though they're little stinkers, they're worth it. :-)