Friends, Neighbors, Lizard, and Sewing

Last weekend Kara was thrilled to have found a new pet.  A wild one.  A lizard found her way onto our screened in porch, and Kara adopted her.  She and Michael did research and fed her and held her and loved her.  We watched as she turned from green to brown.  Then back to green again.  Kara spent all day every day in and out of the house, so she could play with / chase / hold that poor lizard.

Kara took this picture.  She is little enough
to wrap her legs around Kara's thumb.

Kara took this one too.

When the pest control guy had to spray the porch for ants for me, we set the lizard free so she wouldn't be accidentally poisoned.

Life here is good.  In the picture below, Kara and Michael are going for a walk on our driveway.  Kara loves going for walks alone too.  She is nine years old and really wants some independence and freedom.  Going for walks alone lets her feel that freedom.  Meanwhile I am inside watching her and no one ever drives into our neighborhood.  She's safe.

This is a pretty blackberry bush that grows alongside
the driveway.  I wish I could grow things on purpose,
but plants really have to do their own thing around me!

Kara was feeling extra hormonal again, so I told her she needed to do something relaxing to take her mind off of things and keep her calm.  I taught her plastic canvas and she made two coasters in three days.  She felt better too, so it worked out well.  I think that lizard was a nice distraction too.

Side note:  Don't you like my new patio furniture?  Wait, have I showed it to you yet?  I don't remember.  Anyway, after it was delivered, I sat down, then laid down and this was my view.

I closed my eyes and next thing I knew it was about two hours later.  lol!

Our neighbors stopped by to bring us this giant piece of
smoked meat.  It's a smoked Boston butt and it was
the most delicious meat I've ever had.  I had to freeze
half of it and we still ate on it all week!

I'm hoping to have those neighbors over tomorrow for dessert to say thank you and to show them the house.

Last week we had our dear friends in town for a visit.  They drove all the way from Maryland.  Steve and Maureen are Lara's parents, but they are our friends too.  We play bridge with them every week and go on cruises together too.  We get along so well - Maureen and I are a lot alike and Steve and Michael are a lot alike.  Steve and Michael went off on their own a bit so we could have some girl time.  They did projects around the house and played with guns in the back yard.  Since they are in my parents generation, they don't do selfies and lots of pictures like we do, so I snuck in and took this picture of Maureen having her turn with the guns.

After they headed home, Kara and I went to Jessica's house and the kids played while we talked.  Then we had a movie night - Kara is totally in love with Zootopia and couldn't wait to watch it with all of us.

Today is Saturday and I have been working most of the day - laundry, cleaning, errands, dessert for neighbors, etc.  I'm tired.  I will say, having two sets of washers and dryers is absolutely fantastic.  We had company for a week, so I had a lot of clothes to wash, but I also had all of our sheets and towels to do too.  Eight loads later, I was done before lunch because I used all the machines I had.  If you ever build a house, put two sets in.
